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The existence of Tan Feng and her mother, as well as the two older sisters mentioned by Tan Su, was enough to show that the head of the Tan family, that is, Tan Su s father, wife and concubine, was not the same.Qin Su will eventually become the light of the Taoist realm of cultivating immortals.
In the next moment, she directly teleported towards the opposite person, and then turned the blade around again, and pointed her left middle finger and index finger towards Tan Su s waist.The tea set, with ten fingers twitching, a cup of tea was pushed in front of Yu Liao.
The young Tan Su solemnly knelt down and bowed three times to her at the instruction of his senior brother in charge, and he was considered to have entered her critical Taoism.The baby cries at night had already caused some people in the town to move their families, and the surrounding towns began to avoid them intentionally or unintentionally.
Under the action, maybe it will really cut his neck.Seeing the blush on Master s cheeks, and feeling her clenched sleeves, he slightly pursed the corner of his lower lip, and said with a pleasant smile in his eyes Master, you have to learn to change your clothes.