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Behind the Leita is to the north of the Leita, where the inner gate of Ziwu Villa is located.Don t miss this opportunity Boom As soon as the old shopkeeper s voice fell, there was a roar all around, and many figures rushed to the old shopkeeper s shop.
On the platform of the pier, Xue Ning, a man in armor with a serious and resolute face, stood together with Zuo Tianxing, who looked like Maitreya Buddha, looking at the luxury cruise ship getting closer and closer to the sea.After selling the Purple Thunder Bamboo, Mr. Yan did not stop and took out another spiritual cauldron Everyone, this spiritual cauldron is a spiritual weapon forged by me at Ziwu Villa.
The man in spiritual armor glanced at Ji Ke, then looked at Luo Chen majestically, and said without any doubt Let him go Hearing this, Luo Chen sneered.At this time, the two of them didn t speak anymore, they just stood side by side, looking at the sea together and blowing the sea breeze together.
Then react Yeah Luo Chen nodded. Of course he knew this, he was just confirming it.Luo Back to Mr. Yan, Chen er has something to do. I took people to Wuyin Island early this morning. Because I saw that you were busy, I didn t tell you Luo Tianhe didn t dare to neglect and answered hurriedly.
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The amount of territory grabbed now will affect the size of Ziwu Villa s territory in the future, and Luo Chen will certainly not neglect it.The spiritual patterns all around flicker on and off, exuding powerful power and giving people a sense of indestructibility.
After Zhao Li glared at Lengfeng again, he put on a smile and looked at Luo Jianxin at the stern of the boat Jianxin, not far away is the Ringed Snake Island.Yan said no more and put away the fire spirit cauldron.
Influence. On the stage. Listening to everyone s discussion, Li Yan waved his hand You don t have to doubt, this matter has been confirmed by the alliance many times After their ancestor disappeared, the Golden Giant Crocodile Clan pointed the finger at their hostile demon clan, and they were fighting fiercely outside the sea.
Blood bleeds from the corner of Han Chen s mouth. He raises his head with great effort and looks at Luo Chen who is approaching in horror.
And heard it. Luo Chen was no stranger to the name of Prince Qing Ji Ke.While walking quickly, Luo Chen thought of something and asked without looking back By the way, did Qingmu say you wanted to ask me for anything No Yun Mo shook his head He came from Leiyu.
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You have been all these days. Are you staying in the flower garden of Danwang City Senior is joking, junior never goes to that kind of place Luo Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head.Yan s eyes flickered slightly. At this time, Luo Zhennan also reacted.
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