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Sun sometimes misses her grandson, she is afraid after all, so she dare not do anything.How can I have affection for a pawn.What about me Am I also your pawn Zhang Ling asked angrily.
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Chu Han stretched out a finger and shook it, Don t worry, it s an old friend, let s talk about the past first.After reading the notebook, Chu Han said In the future, more and more people will come.
Mrs.Li took a sip of tea and said, Yunniang, you should marry Dayou.He became a fairy.Thinking of something, he felt the spiritual consciousness and found that Shangshan Ruoshui was in it.
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Dragon blood Looking at the blood in the jade bottle, Luo Chen s eyes flashed.Wow It s Qingxuan Lotus Bamboo Exclamations came from the front right.
However, the cloak was now stained with blood, and was held in the arms of the maid crying.I dare not compare with an orthodox alchemist like Alchemist Su Mo You think so, right Su Mo Alchemist After saying that, Luo Chen looked at Su Mo who was still in a daze in front of him with a smile.
It s a pity that his understanding of the law of time is not enough.The reason why the demon leeches self destruct in this way is to turn their own flesh and blood into countless demon leeches to attack the enemy.
Most of the people were already sitting in the main hall in front of the guest reception hall.It s just like a transport flying boat And the magnetic cannon is even more complicated.
Because it had been so long ago, the skeleton had turned into powder.Suddenly A towering cry rose up, shattering the void.
Hearing this, Luo Chen smacked his lips, stretched his head towards Shangguan Fei er, blinked and said, Why don t I give you my place No need Shangguan Fei er shook his head.They immediately waved their swords to shake the falling boulders, and then rushed out through the breach at the top of the cave while holding up the protective shield.
It is the strongest formation that he can arrange. According to his guess, although it cannot trap a mid sixth level monster for a long time, it can trap it for a while.After shouting urgently, they hurriedly looked at the bloody mouth that was about to be bitten above their heads.
In this conference, please ask Ziwu Villa to lead us to develop together It s veryA group of people were in a lively mood. Some people who knew Luo Tianyu said hello to Luo Tianyu, and some people who knew Shi Jing chatted with Shi Jing.He smiled and then shut up. Seeing this, Lan Feng couldn t help but urge What do you think, your Majesty To bet, or not to bet Of course If you are so elegant, Luo will accompany you Luo Chen nodded, smiling in his heart.
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There are so many people that Alchemy King City has not registered personal information before.In my hand You are indeed lucky If this alchemy cauldron had not been seriously damaged, it would not have fallen into my hands, and I would not dare to take it out today Old Yan smiled and didn t mind, looking at the fiery red alchemy cauldron in front of him with satisfaction.
Seeing this, Luo Chen s heart skipped a beat, his eyes stared fieryly at the blue hall in front of him, and his body wanted to move forward.They were the cause of the local turmoil within the demon clan After that, Li Yan no longer cared about whether everyone believed it or not, and said seriously As usual, after the alliance s inner sea enters a wartime state, the alliance will set up a contribution value and exchange hall.
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Zhu Yuchan, the little princess of Luwang Mansion who Chongzhen bestowed marriage to him, had already paid homage to the high hall in Hefei, and was sent to Chongqing by Zhu Shuren s stepmother Xu to complete the final ceremony.He has such a wealth and status, and there are only a few of us around him.
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Historically, this man and Wang Duo were important traders who led Nanjing s Bloodless Kaicheng.I don t know what excuse the Governor uses Ruan Dacheng Yin He smiled pitifully After learning that King Yong and King Ding might die for their country that day, I advised Brother Yaocao to immediately try to contact Liu Zeqing, Gui and Boxu Dingguo towns in Shandong to confirm whether the Chuang army had relocated the troops after they withdrew from Beijing.
Stick to Shanhaiguan General Wu, or the reinforcements from Governor Zhu of Sichuan will arrive Chongzhen s request for help to Zhu Shuren was sent from Beijing on October 15th.On the other hand, during this period of time, there was really nothing for him to worry about in front line military affairs, and everything was still proceeding step by step.
He immediately said Yes, Wang Daban, You immediately send someone to announce Zhou Yanru s audience Wang Chengen was very measured.It was densely populated, and some of them were landless peasants.
Dozens of patrol ferries on the left side of Liu Liang, carrying nearly a thousand vanguard soldiers, took the lead in opening the way and starting the south crossing.At that time, you were still your boss, and your brother also had a good relationship with you.
Otherwise, if so much glory hits his head all at once, it is possible for Shen Tingyang to be as excited as Fan Jin and lose his mind.When passing through Linqing, Shandong, he accepted 40,000 taels of gold from Liu Zeqing to keep him guarding Shandong, so that he could continue to be stuck on the Grand Canal and eat the money from the passing business travelers along the way.
Because Li Zicheng, who has always been thinking about land power in the northwest, how could he think that these seaport towns have any military and economic value Even Tianjin Wei didn t block his way to march into Beijing, so Liu Fangliang, who broke into the South Road of the Army, had come to Beijing from Baoding at the beginning, and Tianjin Wei was directly ignored.
Erya is not young anymore, so she can t delay any longer.Okay, I ll break some corn and roast them Eat.Chu Han said happily.
Screams sounded in the night, and it didn t take long for several new zombies to appear in the county.Chu Yingzi spoke dryly and didn t talk to the old lady.
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In the blink of an eye, one year passed, and this year, the business of the tailor shop and the restaurant was very good, earning a lot of money, Xu s family and Er Yadai recruited many talented apprentices.After inquiring about Zhou Laosan, after learning that Zhou Laosan had been beaten up by the villagers, he secretly cursed that he deserved it, and then went to bed happily.