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Sea Dogs: To Each His Own: Review

We have a game disk in our hands “Corsair: to each his own” with a beautiful name in English Pirates Odyssey from the company Akella and fan studio developers Black Mark Studio. Apparently, they will become a swan song of domestic “Korsarov”, arising in the Moscow base of the old house in the distant 2000 at the dawn of three-dimensional games. Until now, changes have very rarely occurred in this unique genre. With the release of the failure “Corsarers 3” in 2005, a fan team of developers Seaward.Ru Corrected all the flaws in the Addon “Corsaras: Return of the Legend” in 2006 and its continuation “Corsaras: the city of lost ships” in 2007. Their next step was to be Corsaras 4, but the development was delayed, and in the old “Corsarers” There was still a lot that could be changed or improved in anticipation of a hit. This is what other fans of the series did, forming a studio Black Mark. After it became known that Akella I got rid of the Corsarers 4 and indefinitely froze the project, the guys set about the commercial implementation of their amateur add -on with the support of the greedy publisher, who owns the rights to the Storm Engine engine.

“Corsaramas” still remain fidelity of fans not only in Russia, but also abroad – at the Piratesahoy site!

Akella Looked In your repertoire

The result of this cooperation is the hateful reviews with powerful

criticism “KS” For the outdated schedule of the time of “Corsarers 3”. By the way, few people know that Akella Then she worked since the art of 2002 from the failed “Korsarov 2”, resulting in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” under the license Disney. Even our authors, admittedly, simply refused to look at the screenshots of the game with the exclamations “Oh God, that it is! And what year is this game?”. Wow contrast with the same sea scenes from Assassin’s Creed 3, true? Criticism is fair. Storm Engine for version 2.8 is now a historical exhibit. He was retired back in 2007, when the “city of lost ships” was criticized for cheap graphics.

Storm Engine – the remnants of former greatnessBut Storm Engine at one time was an advanced domestic development without any analogues in the West. Russian programmers managed to combine three huge graphic engines into one – this is a land component in the Action genre, sea battles and a global map with a developed economy. All this was supposed to work together, complementing each other. And it worked. And it still works, but the way its creators did not expect it. There was even a whole jerk of the development of Storm Engine in the failed game “The Adventures of Captain Blade”. He has his own long -suffering story. But you can read about all this here from the developers themselves, since they tell it extremely interesting and cognitively.

“Corsair: to each his own” designed only for fans of the series and made by the same fans. Consider the game a kind of indie project. The rest is waiting for a huge disappointment. A simple look at the screenshots and our assessment of the game will be enough to understand how poor and non-blessed in Russia some publishers who had the audacity to once miss the grandiose series of games from their greedy hands to the golden dublons. As a result, all hopes for the appearance of Corsarers 4 collapsed. Oxygen actively working on the studio project Seaward.Ru was blocked back in 2010. In order not to be sad, let’s learn a good fan point of view about “KS”.

Fan position: each his own

The first fan addon “Return of the Legend” for “Corsarers 3” was supposed to turn the game into a multi -party, with a high degree of reiglable on the principle of chess. But in fact, each new party became more suppressed by the former due to the meager set of quests. In the “Code of Civil Procedure” they tried to change the situation with the help of a solid number of small and several large stories, including a tie with Captain Bland, a pirate line and the search for a mystical city of lost ships. But with the coming “To each his own” The plot becomes no longer a complementary element, but the main! The story is presented interestingly, competently and in large volume, despite the significant share of the “hardcore” (in some tasks you need to remember the details from the dialogs or write on paper). In general, this is the strongest side of the new “Korsarov”.

As planned by the authors, the protagonist begins life on the archipelago from scratch, as the adventures once in the famous modification from AlexUSB once began “Return of the sea legend”, Only here you are not thrown into the game world naked. IN “KS” The situation is seasoned with plot quests. Thanks to them, the first city of Saint-Pierre on Martinika becomes well recognizable-we live the owner of the store who asked us to help with establishing competition in the city, a usurer, for whom the Spaniard was helped out of captivity, and remember about the owner of the taverns, which because of his tendency to smuggleLost the only daughter.

“To each his own” – These are “Corses”, Which (the fans of the series) was not enough for us in 2005, when we read the fresh preview of Corsarers 3 from first-hand. All the most daring, as it turned out after the release of “K3”, the fantasies of the press service of the publisher now exist in “KS” in the form of embodied techniques, game features and gameplay elements. Because of this, the old Storm Engine is hungry and slows down when working in the interface and miscalculations of numerous script formulas. Still! Indeed, the technology of seven years ago has very complex miscalculations, including automatic trade, moving the squadron on a global map even when you are on land or sleep in a tavern, or, for example, a miscalculation of at least four parameters of the balance of blades during simultaneous fencing of more than 30 peopleIn the frame!

Old “Corses” in new details

Black Mark Studio intervened in the engine with minor changes (afraid to spoil what works well). But they worked out amazingly, in this case, in this case, in this case, feasible in the transformation of the external data of the game – a noble interface, new models and textures, a whole pack of old beautiful maps, and so on. As a result, we received a large number of new elements working without glitches. For example, alchemy. At the very beginning of the game you almost do not pay attention to it – it seems that it is useless and extra in “Corsarers” element. But when we meet rare objects in chests and merchants, instructions for creating, for example, manual grenades, you begin to realize the usefulness of this possibility.

Alchemy is one of the new elements of the game, the general description of which in the Manual occupies 80 pages of printed text!

For those who, in the previous games of the series, the Karibov archipelago came to “To each his own” implemented a system of searching for unknown islands. This is done using navigation devices. In such places, perhaps, the European’s leg has not even stepped yet – either wealth or grave awaits him there. Yes, the natives with savages will not let you get bored on the way to gold mines or amulets that give significant bonuses-another new detail of the game. You can learn about all this from rumors, communicating with virtual colonists. However, the treasure promised by someone can actually be a chest with torn shoes or animal corpses.

Developers have significantly changed the fencing system, creating a seven -button (!) a system of impacts and feints. IN “KS” The blade parameters have not only the power of attack and weight, but also the balance of blades. The latter shows the center of gravity between the cuttings and the tip of the blade. The balance makes us choose the fencing technique between breaking through the blows and feints. Thus, a skillful approach to choosing a blade and fencing technique already in the early stages of the game will make the protagonist invulnerable to the enemy, which, of course, does not interfere with the boarders or simple clicks of “blow-block”.

Updated in the game and the park of ships. All models were transformed not only externally – they are equipped with a system of multi -level destruction of the masts, a stray troops (without which the ship cannot turn, becoming easy prey) and balanced characteristics. The number of things and weapons reached an unprecedented in the series of numbers. Everything, starting from a simple shell and ending with a large quest, is verified in accordance with historical realities. Even the Muscovite who wandered on the archipelago teaches the protagonist to drink vodka correctly, so as not to get drunk.

Of course, seven years ago “To each his own” would be met with a bang. And today no one would complain if an adequate retail price or image in Steam. Yes Black Mark Studio not in everything showed her professionalism. For example, the sound component of the game, along with the remarks of the townspeople (they are updated, but they are now less), musical accompaniment has significantly reduced and many sounds of the world around you have disappeared – like a sea without the noise of waves and surfs?

The developers updated the ships fleet with 20 new models with various textures and characteristics.

Today we put the “deuce” of the company Akella For her treacherous attitude to the best game brand, which gave rise to the only, unique genre in the whole world! The time has come for a long time “Corsarers 4”, because we continue to dance with a saber for pirate songs on the Storm Engine 2 ruins.8 and drown ships against the background of angular islands with propelled rods. Still, we believe in a miracle thanks to such immigrants from fan circles as Seaward And Black Mark Studio!

Pros: An interesting and long plot;added a large number of small quests;alchemy;new weapons;advanced fencing;New system of officers (including automatic trading with treasurer).
Cons: outdated graphics;repeated settlements;meager sound accompaniment;The clumsy animation remained unchanged;The game is designed only for fans.

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